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The year of the Lord

Rita Reed

I have started reading through the Bible using a format given to me by one of the teachers at my church. I like this format because it does not start at the beginning of the Bible. Instead, it goes back and forth between the Old Testament and the New Testament. This method allows me to see a pattern that depicts God’s people consistently ignoring His perfect plan in exchange for their own. I see that from the beginning of time, after the fall of mankind, we (mankind) have been trying to control this fallen world. We accept what we like about what God has said while simultaneously rejecting what seems not to fit our plans; changing His will to fit our own form of godliness.

God will use whatever method He wants to bring about His purpose. In my reading, I see how God used His prophets, priests, and kings (good ones and evil ones), to accomplish His plan. God has even allowed the evil in this world to bring about His will. Why you ask? Because He is the creator of heaven and earth and all that dwells therein. His Word has been given to His servants, David and Father Abraham, and He can not lie. God makes ALL things work together for our good (even those things that were meant to cause harm). Jeremiah 29:11 says, “I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you.” God knows what we don't know. In Isaiah 55:8-9, God reminds us that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. He has the ability to see the beginning, the middle and the end of all things.

This idea continues in Micah 6:8. This passage says that God has shown us what is good and

what the Lord requires. Still, mankind often chooses not to participate in what God requires and wants for us. But praise be to God; despite our sin, we were given a promise. A promise that Jesus would come and accomplish what we never could. That through His obedience, we are freely given a relationship with God that honors and pleases Him. Now, THAT is the good news of the Gospel! WOW

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